Sixty years of experience in the field of plating systems production have allowed us to refine a complete process at the customer’s service.
Maximum precision in every phase of the process and comprehensive service: these are the characteristics that differentiate OMIG. From the analysis of the customer’s needs to the design of the system, from construction to the assistance service in every part of the world.
Preliminary analysis
The analysis of the customer’s production needs.
The types of products to be treated and the spaces in which the system will be housed are examined.
System design
The design of a system that meets the customer’s needs.
A plating system project is presented that addresses the production and space requirements.
Software design
The design of software for the automated management of the system.
OMIG’s development team creates dedicated software for the management of the designed plating system.
Mechanical construction
The construction of the structure of the commissioned plating system.
All mechanical components of the system are manufactured by OMIG and its network of partners, and are subsequently assembled to give concrete form to the system.
Electrical construction
The construction of electrical panels and installations.
The electrical panels, wiring, and machine interface are executed by OMIG using components from leading international manufacturers.
Installation and testing
The system’s startup, configuration, and testing are carried out by OMIG at the customer’s site..
After an initial testing at the OMIG site, the system is shipped to the customer’s site, installed, and tested to be ready for production.
the needs
The preliminary analysis phase is essential to understand the characteristics of the system to be built, the production needs it will have to support, and the physical location where it will be installed.
OMIG’s experience has allowed us to develop an effective modus operandi in fully understanding the customer’s needs, in order to design and build a plating system with the suitable technical and technological characteristics to fully satisfy the customer’s production requirements.