In-house electroplating
Electroplating departments have changed. The innovations of the last twenty years have turned them into high-tech, highly automated and totally safe places where the utmost care is devoted to the health of the operators.

In recent years, and especially since the pandemic, an increasing number of major companies have started working towards providing electroplating processes in-house. A complex decision like this requires specialised personnel, top-notch skills and suppliers capable of supporting it.
The expertise of OMIG is recognised worldwide. The high-quality equipment and comprehensive services provided before, during and after installation are key factors for companies seeking a supplier and partner for the major investments driven by the decision to provide electroplating processes in-house.

The Bulten Group, a leading supplier of fasteners to the international automotive industry, has chosen to carry out electroplating processes in-house and picked OMIG as its supplier for the equipment to be installed at its new production site.
The new plant, located in Wieprz, Poland, will be dedicated to surface treatment processes and will be one of the most advanced plants in Europe, in terms of efficiency, quality and sustainability. The first two systems started operation in March with two more slated for June. OMIG is working in close connection with the company to create an industrial hub for surface treatment.

Creating an entire production site dedicated to surface treatments from scratch was an exciting challenge that put our skills, organisation and operational capabilities to the test.
Now that the project is in its final stages, we can say that the close cooperation between supplier and customer was certainly the key to success in a venture of these proportions.